Mini Rodini
Inspired by the imaginative world of children, Mini Rodini creates earnest, eco-friendly attire for the next generation. Established in 2006 by illustrator Cassandra Rhodin, the Swedish label designs lively collections, expressive in their Fauvist color palette and quirky graphic patterns. Rich with personality, the Scandinavian label’s casual basics are elevated with supple textiles and thoughtful prints. Wardrobe staples—T-shirts, sweatshirts, and onesies—are fashioned from organic cotton and Tencel lyocell for extra-added softness and low-impact to the environment. Sweaters, jackets, and overalls are made out of recycled taffeta and fleece fabrics, keeping kids dry on rainy and chilly days alike. Mini Rodini meshes its buoyant aesthetics with ethical production in a broad range of child-centric designs.